Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shades of purpose

As I am given to understand it, at some point near the start of one of these things, it is customary to provide some sort of definition or manifesto. A few words that explain things for Joe Plumber, who has for some reason wandered into this particular corner of the internet and promptly demanded to know why he (or she, the unfortunately named soul) should stay and read.

Well, I'm lazy. And I don't feel like it. And I have a phobia of firm definitions. And probably some other excuse I haven't thought of yet.

Rather, every time I've tried to start one of these, I've found myself boxed into a narrower space than I intended, beyond the edges of which lie seemingly boundless wonderful ideas on which I might (conceivably) write a piece. It gives me the absurd and endearing mental image of a man trying to catch crickets with a milk carton.

So no, I'm going to leave this one out there in the void and give it only a vague shading of purpose.

This is a place where I intend to write about games, game design, and anything else I feel the urge to shoehorn into this mess of brain-dump. Books - those terrifying analog things made of paper - may also show up. I'm going to play that part by ear.

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